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- 发布日期:2024-10-08 04:42 点击次数:165
春节假期边界勾引 初中生,寰球纷繁复返职责岗亭,学生们也准备开学了。是时刻给寰球霸术少许英语学习贵府了。不如,我们就说一说“家”吧。
团圆最幸福,息争最有劲。春节是万家团圆的日子。 During the Spring Festival, when members of a family get together, we feel that reunion is happiness and unity is strength.
中华英才历来宠爱家庭,家和万事兴。 Family has always been valued by the Chinese people and harmony in a family makes everything successful.
我们要积极栽培和践行社会主张中枢价值不雅,进展中华英才传统良习,把爱家和爱国长入起来。 We should nurture and practice core socialist values, foster the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and love both family and the country.
用我们4亿多家庭、13亿多东谈主民的机灵和力量,集聚起夺取新期间中国特质社会主张伟大见效、竣事中华英才伟大回应中国梦的磅礴力量。 We should pool the wisdom and strength of more than 1.3 billion Chinese people in more than 400 million households to strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
他在十九大敷陈中提议要真切践诺公民谈德竖立工程:勾引 初中生
真切践诺公民谈德竖立工程,股东社会公德、做事谈德、家庭良习、个东谈主品德竖立,引发东谈主们进取向善、孝老爱亲,忠于故国、忠于东谈主民。 We will launch a civic morality campaign to raise public ethical standards, and enhance work ethics, family virtues, and personal integrity. We will encourage our people to strive for excellence and to develop stronger virtues, respect the elderly, love families, and be loyal to the country and the people.
我们要让真情大义像春风不异吹遍神州地面,吹进千门万户,给每一个中华儿女带来随和。 Love should reach to every family and bring warmth to all Chinese like a spring breeze blowing across the nation.
中华英才历来重真情、尚大义。 The Chinese people have always valued love and high morality.
真情,需要用社会主张中枢价值不雅来引颈,需要用中华英才传统良习来滋补。 Love should be guided by socialist core values and nurtured by traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.
迷奸 拳交广寰球庭都要重言传、重身教,教常识、育品德,身膂力行、耳染目濡,匡助孩子扣好东谈主生的第一粒扣子,迈好东谈主生的第一个台阶。 Parents should instruct their children through word and deed, giving them both knowledge and virtue and practicing what they teach. They should help their children button the first button in their lifetime and take the first step on the ladder of life.
家庭是社会的基本细胞,是东谈主生的第一所学校。无论期间发生多大变化,无论糊口表情发生多大变化,我们都要宠爱家庭竖立,安妥家庭、安妥家教、安妥家风,使指不胜屈个家庭成为国度发展、民族杰出、社会和谐的遑急基点。 Family is the basic cell of society and the first school of our life. No matter how time has changed, the family value, family education and family building must be stressed so that the millions of families become important points for national development, ethnical progress and social harmony.
踵事增华中华英才传统家庭良习,促进家庭蔼然,促进亲东谈主似漆如胶,促进下一代健康成长,促进老年东谈主老有所终。 Chinese traditions and virtues of family harmony and affection should not be forgotten so as to ensure that the young grow up healthily and senior citizens are taken care of.
家和万事兴 harmony in a family makes everything successful
兴家立业 make one's family prosper and establish a career
王人家治国 regulate one's family and rule the country
尽人皆知 be known to every household
东谈主给家足 each family is provided for and each person is well-fed and well-clothed
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)勾引 初中生